داستان آبیدیک

chronic obstructive pulmonary disease


1 عمومی:: بیماری مزمن انسدادی ریه

For COPD patients, risk greatest 30 days after starting LAMAs/LABAs Inhaled long-acting bronchodilators may carry an elevated cardiovascular risk in the first 30 days of use by patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), but it tapers afterward, according to a randomized study. "Based on our findings, we suggest that the use of inhaled long-acting bronchodilators in COPD need to be carefully assessed, and a thorough cardiovascular physical examination, especially heart rate measurement and electrocardiograms, need to be performed when prescribing LABAs and LAMAs to patients," "Given that cardiovascular disease is highly prevalent among patients with COPD, clinicians should also pay attention to the management of cardiovascular disease risk factors throughout the duration of LABA or LAMA therapy," they added. But that warning did not apply to LABAs used to treat COPD, and no formal warnings of any kind are in place for LAMA drugs.

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